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A Year in Beer!

A Year in Beer!

2021 has almost come to an end and we can’t quite believe it! It has been a great year in beer, filled with new partnerships, new customers, and most importantly new beers!

We thought we would take you through Stewart Brewing’s 2021 run down!

January – Sadly for bars and pubs we started the year in Lockdown. That however didn’t stop us! Our online sales soared and we pushed on.  We also brewed, bottled and packed our first ever beer club boxes!

February – We continued our digital events for customers as we were still in lockdown. We did tasting events and played beer bingo. Our Project 7 Barrel aged Affogato Stout was also launched!

March- The unit for the Bar and Pizza Kitchen was delivered ready to be revamped. We also started planning for our new website and partnered up with Easy Bike tours.

Brewery Bar and Pizza Kitchen unit being installed

April – International Women’s Day came about so we launched Clara Rosa a beer dedicated woman. A percentage of the profits went to She Scotland.

As our Bar and Pizza Kitchen was getting vamped up we started hiring our brand new retail team!

May- The grand re-opening of The Brew it Yourself Experience happened in May and we launched our can cubes! These are filled with 1x First World Problems, 1x Radical Road, 1x Session IPA and 1x Skelton Blues!

June- The Brewery Bar and Pizza Kitchen was opened for the first time! This was a huge milestone for us with months of planning behind it and we finally opened to the public! We also teamed up with Proper Cycling to bring out the beer ‘Always Up’.

Brewery Bar and Pizza Kitchen Bar

July – We had 4 brand new 25000 litre tanks delivered and installed. This was a huge step for us and really ramped up our expansion and developed the amount of beer we could produce on site.

August – We were in full swing by August, launching 3 new beers in Lidl; Choc O Clock, New Relic and State Trooper. We also had the guys from The Beer Fridge Podcast come in to pair our beers with the Pizzas we were serving in the Brewery Bar and Pizza Kitchen.

September- This was a whole lot of fun as we did a collab with BarthHaasX creating the lovely El’Nino as part of our Project 7 range. We also installed bike racks at the brewery so that it was more accessible for our riders coming here.

October- We had a great month full of success. We attended the Scotland Beer Awards, and our beers did very well. Ka Pai won Best Pale Ale, New Relic won Best IPA and Clara Rosa won Silver for Best Juicy or Hazy! Later in the month Stewarts 80/- won Silver for Cask British Dark Beer and Jack Back also won Silver for Best Cask Session. We then ended the year with our annual Hop Run which was a brilliant day, we had about 560 people taking part!

November – After a jam-packed October, November was no different! We launched our new Project 7 beer, Twister and Shout. A Twister Ice Lolly inspired Sour. We finalised the website and got it launched (remember we started planning in March!). We also launched Night Falling our Black IPA and Dawn Rising our White IPA.

December- The most wonderful time of the year! At the SIBA Independent Beer Awards, Edinburgh Gold won Silver for British Premium Bitter and Session IPA won Bronze for Best Session IPA. We then did a massive re-launch of our Project 7 White Russian Stout. This was first released in 2019 and it was so well loved we decided to bring it back! We also managed to raise £372.81 for Bright Sparks throughout the year!

A Year in Beer Figures –

9G Cask sold = 6,217

4.5G Pins sold = 2,263

Kegs sold = 4,614

Best Bottled beer = Hollyrood Pale Ale (119,484 bottles sold)

Best canned beer = Small Giant (451,896 cans sold)

Best Project 7 Beer = No’r Easter (2,424 cans sold)

338 Brew It Yourself Experiences since May.

We packed and sent 3103 Online Orders 6615

£450 raised for She Scotland!


A great year overall and we are super excited to welcome in the New Year! Merry Christmas from all of us at Stewart Brewing!Brewers at Stewart Brewing at Christmas time


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